Optical sensors detect changes in light, converting optical signals into electrical ones for interpretation by users or other devices. These sensors are widely utilized in industrial automation, consumer electronics, medical devices, security, and more. The versatile components support innovative fields, including smart systems and automation. Browse for fiber optic sensors, image sensors, light to frequency/voltage/digital converters, optical navigation, safety light curtains, and more.

Subcategories (7)

Factory Lead Time

CategoryAverage Factory Lead Time *
Optical Sensors15.6 Weeks
Fiber Optic Sensors10.1 Weeks
Image Sensors22.3 Weeks
Light to Digital Converters13.8 Weeks
Light To Frequency & Light To Voltage10.8 Weeks
Photoelectric Sensors11.5 Weeks
Safety Light Curtains9.1 Weeks

* Lead time averages are category averages. If you want to see the lead times for a specific product, please view its product page. Category averages are based on data provided by our participating distributors and are not guaranteed to be exact.