is your trusted source for MLCCs - Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors. We have products from and other manufacturers. Click on one of the manufacturer cards to view their products. Or use the Products list to filter by a variety of criteria and technical specifications. When you find the products you need, click View Price and Availability link to see distributor offers or click on the part number to see the product detail page.

Subcategories (2)

Factory Lead Time

CategoryAverage Factory Lead Time *
MLCCs - Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors15.5 Weeks
Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - Leaded20.1 Weeks
Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT15.0 Weeks

* Lead time averages are category averages. If you want to see the lead times for a specific product, please view its product page. Category averages are based on data provided by our participating distributors and are not guaranteed to be exact.