Sensor modules detect and respond to various environmental inputs, transmitting or processing the collected data accordingly. The physical properties interpreted by sensor modules include but are not limited to motion, pressure, acceleration, temperature, and location. Sensor modules are often simpler to integrate within established electrical systems than individual sensor technologies. Shop now for sensor modules on the electronic component search engine.

Subcategories (8)

Factory Lead Time

CategoryAverage Factory Lead Time *
Sensor Modules11.6 Weeks
Acceleration Sensor Modules11.6 Weeks
Capacitance Touch Sensor Modules12.1 Weeks
Distance Sensor Modules12.1 Weeks
Multiple Function Sensor Modules10.6 Weeks
Optical Sensor Modules13.6 Weeks
Position Sensor Modules12.4 Weeks
Temperature Sensor Modules12.5 Weeks
Fingerprint Sensor Modules13.1 Weeks

* Lead time averages are category averages. If you want to see the lead times for a specific product, please view its product page. Category averages are based on data provided by our participating distributors and are not guaranteed to be exact.