RAF Electronic Hardware

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RAF is the nation's leading supplier of electronic hardware in SAE and metric dimensions to a variety of industries, including electronics, computers, telecommunications, medical, military, automotive, aerospace and alternative energy. Our product line includes a wide variety of standoffs, spacers, specialty screws, fasteners, and decorative and functional handles. In 2008, RAF joined with MW Industries Inc., to become the nation's leading supplier of electronic hardware components to a variety of industries, including computers, telecommunications, medical, entertainment and military/aerospace.


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Standoffs & Spacers Stainless Steel 3/16 Hex Male/Female Standoff 3/16 long-440 thread,Passivated


Standoffs & Spacers 3/16 Rd X 1-3/16 Length Round Female Standoff


Standoffs & Spacers 3/16 LNGTH 4-40 ML/FML HEX STANDOFF


Screws & Fasteners 3/16 Hex X 3/4 TL X 4-40 Thd Hex Jack Screw


Standoffs & Spacers Rnd Swage Stdoff 1/4 3/8" 4-40 .105"


Standoffs & Spacers STEEL 6-32 1/4in HEX ML/FEM Standoff

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